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Yangtze Cruise – Victoria Selina

Victoria Selina

The American Victoria Cruises is the only fleet on the Yangtze River which operated by American Cruises Company. It is the leader of Yangtze Cruises which cruise along the Yangtze River.

Yangtze Cruise – Brief Introduction of Victoria Selina

American Victoria Selina is one of five-star deluxe cruise which evaluated by Chinese National Tourism Department in Victoria Cruises. It introduces American style management. The management and service on the ship is offered by American Victoria Cruises Company. On the ship, there are professional bilingual river guide to explain the sight spots for passengers on the deck when the ship passes by Qutang Gorge, Xiling Gorge and Wu Gorge and some other sight spots.

Yangtze Cruise – Features of Victoria Selina

Victoria Selina is devoting to improve its quality, not only updating its hardware level, but also make its warm and kindhearted service become more thoughtful. The Victoria Cruises fleet has become the largest international five-star fleet on the Yangtze River (which evaluated by Chinese National Tourism Department). Until now, there are over four hundred thousand visitors ever chose to take Victoria Cruise, and the come happily and go back with satisfaction. The itineraries of the Victoria Selina along the Yangtze River around the year includes the four-day and three-night itinerary from Chongqing and Yichang, and the five-day and four-nigh itinerary from Yichang to Chongqing. Both of them are very classical Three Gorges tourism route.

Yangtze Cruise – Victoria Cruises

The Victoria Cruise Fleet has a good fleet with best facilities and equipments, at the same time. the stuff of Victoria Cruises Fleet consist the excellent "software" who can offer you outstand service during your Three Gorges tour. The stuff on the Victoria Cruises includes expert western cruise directors, knowledgeable, practiced and well-trained river guide who will be glad to help you. During your Three Gorge tour, the service on Victoria Cruises will leave you beautiful and deepest impression, which is a necessary part in the high quality product of Victoria Cruises.