The Three Gorges Cruise offer 24 hours laundry service. The standard of laundry service on Three Gorges Cruise is very professional, and the price is reasonable. In common situation, visitors who have stayed in China over 10 days will put their cloths on the ship, Because of the time duration on ship is long, and activity zone is relatively fixed, it is a good time to clean all things. The Three Gorges Cruise provides machine wash, hand wash and reweaving service. In common situation, visitors can receive its cloths which send to wash in morning.
More commonly, the time for meal is fixed on Three Gorges Cruise, and passengers on the ship will have meals together. Visitors who want to have meal alone in the guest room need to book at kitchen about half day or one day in advance. Passengers who have special requirements about food need to book after boarding. The room service is unavailable at the day leave ship.
The Three Gorges Cruise offer morning call and broadcast service.
On some Three Gorges Cruise, the shoeshine service is for free, while some are not.
In common situation, Three Gorges Cruise can offer fresh flower, fruits, and gift to important guests. The massage service in guest room will be charged, and the fee is about 15 to 10 dollars per hour. There are room service center on some Three Gorges Cruise, where has service staff for 24 hours. On some small Three Gorges Cruise, this service center will be instead by reception desk. It has fixed number, and they will arrive whenever you need.