Home>Guide>Chinese Sturgeon of Yangtze River History – Feature, Living Habit, Resource

Chinese Sturgeon of Yangtze River History – Feature, Living Habit, Resource

Chinese Sturgeon

Chinese Sturgeon of Yangtze River History – Yangtze River

China has a long history from the ancient times. In Yangtze River history, there are many ancient animals living in Yangtze River, some of them are died out, some of them are evolved, and some of them are still alive such as Chinese Sturgeon. In addition, Chinese culture is explored along Yangtze River and Yellow River together.

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Chinese Sturgeon of Yangtze River History – Feature

In the series of ancient animals, Chinese Sturgeon is a kind of Chinese specialty ancient scarce fishes. In BC 1-thousand year ago, Chinese Sturgeon was regarded as the King Tuna.

The body of Chinese Sturgeon looks like the shape of oval, besides its mouth is small without any teeth. There are four tentacles in the front of the mouth of Chinese Sturgeon. The tentacles mainly used of searching the invertebrates, little fish and other food.

Chinese Sturgeon of Yangtze River History – Living Habit

Chinese Sturgeon is a kind of large group of migratory fished like nomadic people of China. According to Yangtze River History, Chinese Sturgeon always born in the rivers such as Yangtze River but grow up in the oceans. There are 9-12 years needed for changing into maturity stage. After that, they will move into the shallow sea zone and then come into the estuary of Yangtze River.

In autumn, they will upstream swim to the Jinsha River of Yangtze River to spawn. When the little Chinese Sturgeon was born, they will swim to the ocean together again. Chinese Sturgeon can live for 1-2 years.

Chinese Sturgeon of Yangtze River History – Resource

The body of Chinese Sturgeon is more than 2 meters long. The weight of Chinese Sturgeon is about 2-300 kilograms. Without advantage knowledge of the fisher's, Chinese Sturgeon becomes extinct because of excessive fishing.