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Chongqing Impression


A man from USA living in Chongqing, China falls in love with Chongqing City for the spicy food, passionate people, charming women, picturesque sceneries and folk customs.

Mike Weed, who was a graduate boy from Seattle of Washington four years ago, chose to come to Chongqing for his friend's invitation. While he arrived, Mike was deeply impressed of the scenery of Yangtze River and mysterious mountains of this city. It is the most unforgettable feeling of the foggy city during his life, which everything and everybody like to live in a special space of modern city with ancient history. Mike thought that the beauty and move of Chongqing City is hard to imagine unless you were here. And that's why he started to run his own website (http://www.cqscene.com/) to introduce this glamour city as much as possible.

Mike makes many friends in Chongqing City for music and he plays DJ in the bar as a part time job, because music seems the most important thing during Mike's life whatever the kind of the songs, classical, rock music or soft feeling. When he falls in love with this glamour city, he started his website on January, 2009 to share the music and band of Chongqing for friends all over the world.

After that, Mike Weed found his love of Chongqing food such as noodles with peas mixed meat paste but his friend likes to eat Bone Broth. He was interested in Hot-pot of Chongqing because he likes spicy food so much. And then he tried to share his experience of Chongqing food on his website, which attracted more and more people to visit.

Last year, Mike Weed successfully formed his own band in his website being the lead singer, which attracted many foreigner fans to deeply realize Chongqing City.