Home>Guide>The 8th (China) Chongqing International Garden Expo - Activity, Tips, Traffic

The 8th (China) Chongqing International Garden Expo - Activity, Tips, Traffic

The Eighth Chongqing International Garden Expo

The 8th Chongqing International Garden Expo held in Beibu New Area of Chongqing on 19th November containing China North Ancient Architecture and Jiangnan Garden Exhibition, in addition other exotic style of other nations. Hundreds of countries joined this great exhibition with their national unique magnum opus. On this weekend, many tourists come to enjoy the 8th Chongqing International Garden Expo, some facts of the exhibition we should pay attention.

The Eighth Chongqing International Garden Expo – Activity

Enjoy the Tea Picking and Chinese Traditional Theatrical Performance

The first "City Day" of Hangzhou Garden held in the area yesterday, containing exceedingly fascinating and charming daily life of Jiangnan cities of China. (Jiangnan is a south area of Yangtze River), for example, tourists can have a drink of Longjing Tea in the garden or enjoy the process of tea picking, especially the impressive performance of national musical instruments and Chinese traditional theatrical performance with soft Chinese music.

When you step in the back garden of Hangzhou exhibition, you are able to meet the attractive girls who are picking the tea.

Inner Mongolia Characteristics of Tea with Ewe's Milk

In Inner Mongolia Exhibition, tourists can drink the tea with ewe's milk for free or take a photo with Mongolian gowns. If you are lucky enough, you are able to dress the Hada for best wishes (Hada is a piece of silk used as a greeting gift).

Tai Chi Performance

There is a performance of Tai Chi activity of thousands people together in the main square of the 8th Chongqing International Garden Expo. If you are interested Chinese Kung Fu, you won't miss this magnificent performance.

The Eighth Chongqing International Garden Expo – Tips

Early Arrival

If you are going to visit the 8th Chongqing International Garden Expo, you are able to queue up for tickets, thus you are suggested to be early arrival.

The opening time of the 8th Chongqing International Garden Expo is 9 o'clock in the morning.

Bring Food by Yourself

It is considered that you have to queue up for tickets especially for lunch time. Each of tourists has to wait for at least 15 minutes to buy the food otherwise you bring your own food.

Toilet Line Up

Of course you can't bring the toilet by yourself, but you don't need to worry because there will add a number of toilets for tourists especially for the women.

Chongqing International Garden Expo – Traffic

There are three entrances of main entrance, east entrance and west entrance.

Main Entrance

The 826 Bus could get to the main entrance, but some other buses like 555 Bus, 559 Bus, 831 Bus, and 877 Bus could get to close station. The No. 3 light rail could also get to the close station and then walk for few minutes.

There are 280 Parking Space for you if you drive yourself.

East Entrance

The No. 607 bus, 623 Bus, 684 Bus, 831 Bus, 877 Bus, and 878 Bus could get to the east entrance.

There are 101 Parking Space for you.

West Entrance

There are only 607 Bus and 826 Bus could get to the West Entrance, and 109 Parking Space for you.