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Dama Festival


Dama Festival

Brief Introduction

Dama festival is a traditional Tibet Festival of unique style of Gyantse. It is said that the first Dama festival was used for the celebration of the building of Baiju Temple and Barkhor Pagoda, being in the form of horse racing. From April 10 to April 28 of Tibet calendar, the Tibet people would gather at the foot of the mt.dzong, holding all kinds of sports performance and competitions.

The Development History

The First Period

The festival is said to be originated from Gyantse. According to the legend, Paba Baisangbu, the grandfather of Raodan Gongsangpa, the high clerist of Gyantse, used to be the interior minister of Shakya Dynasty, as well as the high clerist of Gyantse, with high prestige among the people. After Pababai passed away, the disciples of him offer sacrifices to him each year for commemoration. Finally, as a result of the chaos, the off got interrupted.

The Second Period

In 1408, the fire mouse year of Tibet calendar, Raodan Gongsangpa became the high clerist of Gyantse, following the last wish of his father, he resumed the offer. From April 10 to April 27 of 1408, Raodan Gongsangpa recited scriptures to commemorate his grandfather. And on April 28, they began the entertainment activity, which included the display of the Buddhism das rollbild and sorcerer's dance in a trance. Apart from this, there were the activities of wrestle, horse racing and lifting the stone. All the activities were undertaken by the followings, soldiers and servants of high clerist. Since 1408, that time became the festival of sacrificing. In 1447, when Zhaxi Raodanpa controlled Gyantse, the entertainment got more colorful, with an extra activity of horse racing and archery. In this way, the formal Dama Festival came into being.

The Third Period

In the middle of the 17th century, the 5th Dalai strengthened the controlling rules of the unification of the state and the church. The Tibet government dispatched officials to control the religion sects. And the Gyantse Dama Festival was also hosted by the officials, one was the Gyantse zongben, another was the general director of Baiju Temple. During that period, the athletes and horses took part in the horse racing and archery were in the charge of the three nobles of Gyantse. The religious activity of that time was simple, and the main part was the large scale horse racing and shooting arrows. The activity was changed from one day to three days as well. On the first day, there would be a simple religious ceremony, then check the horses and have stigma on them in case of exchanging. On the second day, there is the horse racing. On the third day, there is the archery. After the three days competition, there are activities of suburb banquet for three or four days.