Home>Guide>The Reasons of Dzi Beads Being Valuable

The Reasons of Dzi Beads Being Valuable


Dzi Bead

Dzi Beads are the preferred choice of the offering to Buddha. It has been a long time since people used Dzi Beads to worship the Buddha, with the representative of the Buddha Statues in the Jokhang Temple. According to the record, in Tang Taizong jyukan 15 year (641 AD), when princess Wencheng married Srongtsen Gampo, she had a dowry of statue from India. Then the statue was set in the Jokhang Temple, and it was set with more than one hundred Dzi Beads with all kinds. You still may see the statue in the Sakya Hall of Jokhang Temple.

Dzi Bead is the most valuable precious stone. On one hand, the sense of worth of the precious stone is rest with its magnificence, rareness, durability. On the other hand, the sense of worth of precious stone varies from nations to nations. For the courtiers at the Himalayas, the most precious stone is not jade or diamond but Dzi Beads.

Dzi Beads can be used to loan against collateral from the bank. In the sections of Himalayas, it is generally the truth that the ancient pure Dzi Beads can be used to loan against collateral from the People's Bank of China and the popular bank. For people, Dzi Bead has no difference with the cash and it can be turned into cash anytime.

Dzi Bead is the easiest carry-over property. Dzi Bead has a small volume, easy safe-keeping, and convenient to carry. So in the ancient times, for the countries at the Himalayas, the nobles and rich people would exchange Dzi Beads with livestock and cultivated land. Sometimes, they used money to support Dzi Bead.

Dzi Bead is the best and most precious amulet. For the local people, they usually use the amulet and Taoist magic figures or incantations as their tools of driving off the evil spirits, among which Dzi Bead is the best and most valuable.