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Beibei Dinosaur Fossil Relics

Fossil in Beibei Dinosaur Fossil Relics

An Overview of Beibei Dinosaur Fossil Relics

Chongqing is one of those places where many dinosaur fossils are found. So far, there are altogether 30 sites of dinosaur fossils in the 12 districts, counties and cities of Chongqing. Beibei District is the place where the largest amount of dinosaur fossils are found for now.

Discovery Process of Beibei Dinosaur Fossil Relics

In 1939, the first onithopod dinosaur fossil was discovered in the Jingang Tablet area of Beibei District.

According to the record, during the years from 1939 to 1982, there are altogether 13 dinosaur fossil relics of 4 categories excavated successively in the Chengjiang Town, the Three Natural Bridges area, the Southwest Normal University area, Dujia Street, Sansheng County as well as Tongjia Stream area.

In 1982, three fossil relics of ancient Sauropodomorpha dinosaurs were unearthed in the Jianse Village.

Scenic Spots near the Beibei Dinosaur Fossil Relics

Beibei District is abundant in sightseeing resources and there are many famous scenic spots near the Beibei Dinosaur Fossil Relics-the national AAAA natural preservation area of Jinyun Mountain, national grade scenic area of North Hot Spring and the Jindao Gorge area and so on.

Best Season for Beibei Dinosaur Fossil Relics

Autumn is the best season for visiting the Beibei Dinosaur Fossil Relics, because the climate here is best in autumn and the visibility is quite fair in this season, suitable for outing and traveling.