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Snacks of Three Gorges

Feicui Liangfen

Snacks of Three Gorges - Brief Introduction

Snacks of Three Gorges combine the spicy and hot flavor of Sichuan cuisine as well as the distinctive way of cooking fish and steaming dishes of Hunan cuisine. Sceneries in Three Gorges are uniquely beautiful and snacks of Three Gorges are also quite delicious.To try the local flavors, you had better get off the ships and go to the county fair, then sit down and have a good taste.

Snacks of Three Gorges - Stir-fried Shanyangyu

There is a kind of potato named Shanyangyu in Three Gorges area. Local people always stir-fry it with paprika, noodles and minced green onion. Very soon, the pretty-smelling and good-tasting dish will be presented to you.

Snacks of Three Gorges - He-Zha

Another typical local dish is called "he-zha". It is made of tofu. The ordinary tofu is always made with the soybean curb residue being discarded. While he-zha is made by keeping the soybean curb residue and adding some song-cai (a kind of cabbage). He-zha is made especially when a child is born. Everyone should eat a bowl of he-zha to eat up bad lucks. In this way, the newly born child can be kept away from disasters.

Snacks of Three Gorges - Special Steaming Tofu

There is also a kind of steaming tofu which has a history of hundreds of years. Compared with the common tofu, it is made of not only soybean but also special dressing and cooking wine. Then it can be steamed on the cage steamer after mixing and preserving all the raw materials. Its taste is of course very special.

Snacks of Three Gorges - Feicui Liangfen

Feicui Liangfen (something like green jelly) is the most famous local snack. It has a function of reducing internal heat and preventing heat strokes in summer. "Feicui" means jade, for Liangfen (jelly) is dark green in color, just like a jade. Ordinary liangfen is often made from beans, while Feicui Liangfen is made from the leaves of plant. Feicui Liangfen looks pretty and tastes delicious and as smooth as fruit jelly, giving the eaters a feast of vision and tastes.

Snacks of Three Gorges - Other Famous Snacks

The Three Gorges area is abundant in oranges and bamboos, and there are many snacks made of oranges and bamboo leaves, such as Chenpi (orange peels) Beef, Chenpi Fish, Steamed Pork in Bamboo Tube and so on. What's more, some well-known dishes in history such as Turnip Feast, Zhang Fei fish, Zgaojun Taohua Fish can also be tasted here.