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Jinyun Mountain

Jinyun Mountain

Introduction of Jinyun Mountain

Jinyun Mountain , located in the northern part of Beibei district, is some 50 kilometers away from the city center. Nine peaks standing alone in the mountain from north to south: the Morning Sun, the Incense Burner, the Lion, the Gathering Cloud, the Screaming Monkey, the Lotus Flower, the pagoda, the Pointed Jade and the Sunset. The Pointed Jade, 1050 meters above sea level, is the highest among the nine; and the lion, 980 meters above sea level, is the most magnificent one. The mountain is densely wooded, and many rare sub-tropical plants can be found here.

Jinyun Temple of the Mountain

There is a temple called Jinyun Temple on the mountain. It is a Buddhist temple set up in the Southern Dynasty (A.D. 420-589) and the present buildings of the temple were reconstructed in 1684 in the Qing Dynasty. Among the treasured articles kept in the temple are the 24 volumes of Buddhist scriptures read by Emperor Taizong (in throne 976-998) of the Song Dynasty. On a rock at the foot of peak Incense Burner, stone carvings of human figures made in 1089 still remain. The Luoyang Bridge and the ancient gate to the temple are believed to be built in the later years of the Ming Dynasty (1836-1628). Some new findings of ancient cultural relics were made in 1998, becoming a new attraction to visitors.

Hot Spring of Jinyun Mountain

At the foot of Jinyun Mountain, there is a famous hot spring, The North Hot Spring. In the year 423 during the Southern Dynasty, the Hot Spring Temple was built here, and in 1426 during the Ming Dynasty the main hall was rebuilt. It became a park in 1927. Now four large halls still stand there, and a marble bridge and the marble lions in front of a hall are relics of the Ming Dynasty. Among the ancient trees in the park, there is a garden of stone carvings, and other gardens and ponds, and a cave with a waterfall and an underground river. There are ten hot springs providing water for bathing and swimming. Some new facilities have been added to the parks.